How much do you need to clear?
Hello there beautiful Lights of Being! I am excited to be back sharing with you today.
I started off my day today by getting my first vaccine shot, and I am so incredibly happy to be on the road to being fully vaccinated! I had vaccine envy but was waiting for my turn. I am hoping to get on an airplane next month after my second dose!! I then joined a zoom call hosted by the Pachamama Alliance that featured an Ecuadorian shaman from the Amazon rainforest who gave a blessing as we start the celebration of Earth Week. It was a beautiful way for me to presence myself to Mother Earth, hold space for Her and give gratitude and blessings to all that She brings and gives to us. I have seen myself being in the rainforest at some point in the future, and I am so excited to learn more about how I can personally care more for these lands and traditions.
These past weeks have been a time for me to slow down and integrate the new Light, take care of my boys and continue to develop the new skills and gifts I am being given. Because I channel write, I wait until Spirit has something important to say, and then I move with what starts to download and come through me to be offered to you. I understand that the work I offer is changing, and it is directly tied to the openings that will be happening in my life and the continuation of these new higher consciousness abilities coming online now and in the near future. I am humbled to be able to bring this to the planet, and so I am just allowing myself to continue to learn, process, grow and integrate. More often than not it is very interesting, and all is well even when some days feel like the same thing over and over again.
According to astrology, the start of the New Year actually begins with Aries season which we are completing right now, and this flows so well with the spring equinox which happened last month. We are moving into Taurus season now, and there is another powerful (they all are seeming to be powerful!) Full Moon in Scorpio happening next Monday the 26th, and I will be having an astral body clearing with the Ascended Masters on that day as well. I have had a protection grid put in place along with a past life clearing with the Masters (through the assistance of Verna and Wareti in New Zealand), and all of these tools are helping me gain more Light and keep rising in my energy which in turn allow me to bring in my higher gifts and abilities. The right people show up at the right time, and I am so grateful to the wisdom of these keepers supporting me right now.
One tool I would like to share with you that will hopefully help you keep moving forward came to my awareness through the spiritual astrologer Molly McCord, and I have taken her example and am amplifying it here for you. Think of stacking blocks one on top of the other in groups of 3 - so you can have 12 blocks, 15, 18, etc, all the way up to 27. Metaphorically stack these blocks for you in whatever number feels right. This number is the number of your dimensional lives that you are currently running all at the same time right now. I personally have 15 dimensional lives. But there is only one of you in human form on Earth right now. All the other lives are in different dimensions. Now take a sheet of lined notebook paper and start on the left hand side at the top of the page. Allow yourself to become centered with yourself and tune into you. Sensing into the word “judgement,” draw a line down the page as far as you feel you need to go. It can go just a few lines or can go onto another page. Stop drawing the line when it feels right to you. Then starting back up to the top of the page, move down horizontally a bit and sense into the word “compassion,” and draw a line down the page again as far as you need to. Keep moving down, drawing a line for the next word “forgiveness of self,” “forgiveness of others,” “connection to Spirit/Source/God,” and then any other words that come to you.
At the end of the exercise, you will have lines going down the page of varying lengths – maybe one word has no line at all, and other words that have lines that go far down the page. This exercise will tell you the amount of work or clearing you need to do for each word for all of your dimensional lives. So for example, maybe your line for compassion was relatively short – perhaps 3 lines down the page. This means that you have cleared your karma for most of your dimensional lives when it comes for compassion for yourself and others, and you have become more Light in this area of your life and in your chakras. So if you have say 15 dimensional lives, you’ve cleared yourself and are compassion for all but 3 lives. But maybe forgiveness of others is a really long line. You will probably sense that this is a recurring theme for you over and over in this lifetime, and there is more work and attention that needs to put here to forgive others. This can be a good way for you to determine where you might want to focus more energy or get assistance in helping you clear so that you can be free of these bonds and constraints.
I remember when I was in the depths doing this work for myself but did not understand what I was doing at the time, but I said to myself more than once – this stuff I am clearing is not just this lifetime. I intuitively knew it was way deeper than that. Turns out it was. I was clearing ALL of my lifetimes. Who knew… Now I understand that we are here on the planet at this time to be able to do this work more efficiently, faster, and with more support. This is what ascension is about – turning our darkness into our Light. The consciousness allows us to be able to do this now. So freaking amazing.
I love how just the right thing shows up for me, and my older son and I just watched “Cloud Atlas” together as he needed to watch it for class in school. I tried to gently explain to him how the movie was showing how people were running their lives all together at the same time, and whatever you do in one lifetime and timeline affects the other, but he wasn’t having any of it. And I wouldn’t expect a 16 year old to anyway. But if you want to watch that movie, it can help show you how any action for Love and your willingness to face your own darkness will transcend and affect not only yourself but all of us as well.
And so we keep moving forward, being joy and Light, and having fun in the process when we can. I’ve gone bowling, to the movies and Art Museum, out for hikes and back to my workout studio. It feels so good to be getting back out into the world. I send blessings to you for a beautiful Earth Week as we honor this planet and continue to bridge ourselves into the new reality each and every moment. Sparkling waters, clean air and abundance for all.
Much love, many blessings. xo