Balancing the Masculine & Feminine

Happy Friday loves!! I am heading out to see Nahko tonight at the zoo and so I will be exactly where my soul is the most happy – with music and being outside surrounded by good vibes and getting my dose of joyful, musical medicine.

I adored being back in Hawai’i, and what I was really appreciating even more this time around was the honoring of the Feminine with the Masculine on the Island. I am sure every culture has its need to balance the divine, and some are a little farther along in anchoring both aspects than others. One of the main roads through the island is called the Queen’s Highway, and I smiled at the honoring of her every time I drove it.

You can see at every turn in our society right now the balancing of the masculine and feminine within each of us. No matter your gender or orientation, we all have both aspects within ourselves, and many times it becomes imbalanced without being conscious of how we are moving internally and externally. Most women in our culture who are successful have gotten to this point by being more in their masculine because this is what our society dictates from us. It is a very goal-oriented process that is linear. For example, you accomplish A to get to B, and then you can have C. And so it happens on down the line. There has been little room to being in a more feminine, intuitive approach for creation. Up until now.

Some may read this and view it as being against the masculine, but that is not the case at all. We all need to have balance of both, especially within ourselves, and the masculine way of moving is very important. Once we have the knowledge and wisdom of how to move, the masculine way of creation is highly important. For example, if you are to build an airplane, there are specific ways to go about it. But when you are building it, you may have intuitive hits of how to make something better or more streamlined, and that’s the creative wisdom of the feminine that is coming through. We all have this, and it’s in learning how to incorporate both that is vital to our survival.

Throughout history women have been repeatedly repressed because of their ability to really anchor in this wisdom, and in general the masculine has been afraid of this type of power. Again, this is not to make anyone wrong because there is no blame here. This is just the way society has moved. And now with the rise of the feminine, we all are learning – both males and females – how to embody this within ourselves and create more balance in how we work, create, love, and honor each other. And it’s about time. Our evolution and planet cannot handle more of the same, and so those of us with the ability to lead the way must stand up and do so in the most honoring and loving way possible. Because if history has taught us anything it is that force and war and not honoring each other will just cause more strife in the end and will set us back instead of move us forward.

It has personally taken me years and a few missteps to truly find my voice, and it is still being developed the more I share the authenticity of who I am. And as women continue to rise and find their own individual voices, understand what courage it takes to speak your truth. Know that every time you do speak with compassion and non-judgement, you develop the inner capacity to keep speaking even more. We need you voice more than ever now. For the men, every time you stop to reflect and listen to your soul, you are honoring your divine feminine, and your thoughtful reflections and wisdom are also desperately needed. I stand with each and every one of you Light beings.

Tonight my voice will be in song, and my prayers for the Islands in the midst of the hurricane will be sent through beautiful lyrics created by accomplished musicians. I honor your voice and in you finding yours as we continue to learn to speak with kindness, love, compassion, empathy and in heart-centered consciousness. We are Love. xo

Dianna Hanken