We are never done on our journeys.
Welcome to today beautiful tribe! What a day to take in whatever Spirit is wanting us to receive – love, compassion, empathy and kindness for ourselves, for life and for others.
We have chosen to be here in this time and space to move forward on our soul journey, and I know with every cell in my body that you are more powerful than you know, you are so much more than this human physical form, and your time is now to fully express all that you are here to be and do and become.
Summer is my most favorite time of year, and today on my run outside it is almost feeling like that. The sun is out and it is becoming warmer, and I don’t need to have three or four layers on just to keep me warm.
My birthday is at the end of this month, and the 6 weeks before your birthday is the most strong time for clearing so that you can reap the benefits of the new energy the 6 weeks after your birthday. It is energetically the most potent time of year for you – the 6 weeks before and after your birthday. The past few years these 6 weeks prior have been really tough for me, and this year I have just been staying open to whatever needs to happen. I have been tossed around a bit, but more often than not I have just been feeling intense joy and happiness. I am feeling more powerful and anchored within myself, and I am on-my-knees grateful for being able to hold this energy. We are always given what we can handle – even when it feels like we can’t – and the space I can hold and the openness of my heart allows me to be of greater service to you and to all of us. Every step of this path has been worth it a thousand fold.
We are never done on our journeys. Never think you have climbed the mountain to the top as there will always be a new consciousness to step into. There will always be room to grow, and I would like to invite you into a mindset of growth. We step into higher possibilities of ourselves when we push our edges and allow ourselves to expand beyond our current boundaries. You will never be able to step into a more transcendent life if you keep to the same inner and outer structures. But that is the joy of the journey! And knowing you are here to anchor in more Light to transform the World is the best gift you can give to yourself and to all of us.
On my glorious run, I heard a line from Nahko that resonated with me so deeply today. We are so much more powerful than we give ourselves credit because the Love transmutes and transcends all. There are dark forces that want the Light to dim, and the fear that is constantly being perpetuated is to keep you small and in your place. I personally say – no more. I allow myself to be used to anchor in Love because I know my worth and my value. And we’re not here to play small. Even if you only affect your inner circle, then that is what you’re here to do.
So stand taller, smile brighter, receive the joy fully, and keep me in your prayers as I continue on towards my birthday. In Unity consciousness, we will continue to manifest through the Love because we know that’s what we’re here to do. What we do for one, we do for all.
Much love, many blessings, tremendous Light to you. xo