The most important month of our lives! Are you ready for this?


Beautiful souls – here we go into the most important month of our lives! The month, solar flashing event, and eclipse season we’ve been waiting for… all our work and preparation this year is about to blow our realities wide open. Are you ready for this?!

I was not aware at the beginning of 2020 what was in front of me. I did know that I was ready to move forward into this next decade and leave the past ten years of hard work behind. Boy was I in for a surprise! I think most of us were… but then as this year continued to unfold, it was a year of infinite blessings. It has been for me the most remarkable year of my life – so far. All of the past years’ of work allowed me to step fully into what I am here to do, and now with the final eclipse season beginning on November 30th and the final 2 predictions of this year about to take place, come January, all of us will be in a completely new awareness and reality. I have seen it, and it’s spectacular!

So Monday, November 30th, kicks off the final eclipse season of this year with a Gemini Full Moon Lunar eclipse. An eclipse amplifies energy. So in a normal full moon, the energy is already pretty powerful, but when you add in an eclipse, it is an energy amplified on steroids. And here is where the revelation wave will begin. If you look around on YouTube or read any astrologers' predictions, you will hear them all talking about “The event” – which is the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction on the solstice, December 21st. But energy is a process, and it gets grounded onto the planet in phases.

The revelation wave is what is going to shift all of our realities. I have been embodying this energy all year and have witnessed my own personal solar flashing. More on that in a bit. But what is important to understand is that the very beginnings of the revelation wave (the launch) starts with this first eclipse. Start to clear your calendar (can be tough during the holiday season but extremely important this year), begin to notice in yourself if you’re feeling tired, wired, new awarenesses coming in… all of this are effects of this massive amount of new Light coming onto the planet. And we are talking massive.

Then December 12th, (12-12), will be a pure activation point when the wave will start to begin. And here is when the first of the final 2 predictions will happen. It is called zero point stillness or the full stop sensation. I have already experienced this 3 or 4 times as I continue to anchor this in for the collective. It’s such a fascinating and dare I say cool sensation. You walk outside and feel like time has stopped. The wind still blows and the birds still sing, but you feel like you’re in a different reality. You walk around and know something is definitely different… the first time it happened to me I didn’t know what it was. But then Sandra Walter named it and then I understood, and the next few times it happened I could really just have fun with it. This will become apparent to you between the gateway of December 12-29th for the full stop sensation if you choose to set your intention to experience this.

Then December 14th is the second eclipse with the Sagittarius New Moon Solar eclipse. Between the 12-14th, those of us here to help anchor in the revelation wave are being asked to get out on Gaia each morning these 3 days to help ground the new Light. If you are called to do so, please add your energy and intention to these three days. Again, the 12th is when the wave begins and these three days leading up to the Solar eclipse are huge. Depending on where you are on your journey, you might be able to experience the solar flash event during this gateway, but know that the wave will be active from December 12th – January 20th. By the time this date in January comes around, you will not be the same person you were before. It’s important to say this again – none of us will be the same!! It’s so exciting!

And then, the date that has been on everyone’s calendar – December 21st. It has been explained to me (and what I believe to be true so take what resonates with you) is that you will not go to bed on the 20th and wake up as a new person on the 21st. We all won’t be taken up into the Sun or phase out into a new reality all together. What ascension is about is embodying this new energy while still walking the Earth. I personally am going to be very interested to see how this affects each person on an individual level. But the world is gonna rock, for that I am sure. The most intense period of the wave will be from December 19th – January 7th.

So this is what the solar flashing event will be like. I have already seen it for myself although I haven’t experienced it yet, and since the summer when the Sun was completely recoded, I have been anchoring in the Light into my body. You will feel like you are being taken up into the Sun and leaving the Earth. Close your eyes, and the Sun completely envelopes you. If you go into fear, you will drop out of it and will be put back into your body. And if your body isn’t fully prepared, you won’t experience it in this way because we don’t want to blow out your consciousness and have you phase out. (ie transition out of your body.) So this solar flashing wave will affect all of us, and timelines have already been split, so depending on where you are, you will feel this quite differently, but at the end of it all, you will see your world in a phenomenal new way.

This is why there are so many people on the planet right now because we have chosen on a soul level to be here for this. These next seven years are going to be potentially challenging and miraculous. This past week I have been embodying the new realities, and it’s blowing my mind. It is difficult to put into words yet, but you know I am doing my best to break this down for you so that you can have a sense of what will be happening. But absolutely set your intentions – what do you want to bring forward in your life? Where do you want to go? What creative expressions do you want to bring into this New World? Focus on New Earth and do not get caught up in what is happening in the 3D reality.

The tsunami of Light is coming, is already here, has already been here. Please forward this email/blog/post (however you are reading this) on to others who you feel would resonate and be helped by this information. And I would absolutely love to hear from you and how you are experiencing these events, so please reach out to me and let me know how you are doing when you experience any of this.

Here we go! To Love, Light, ascension, New Earth, and to as many of us walking as Suns of God.

Much love, many blessings. xo

Dianna Hanken