If you could see your future, would you want to know?


Blessings Beloveds. Can you feel the Light? Or is fear blocking out the joy of your heart?

The past weeks I have been sleeping, and sleeping, and sleeping some more. I was told that I would sleep much through this huge passageway as the Light is rapidly transforming my body, and although it is hard work, takes patience and a willingness to let the Light restrand my DNA, it is an absolute honor and blessing to choose to allow this to happen.

I was reading an astrologer’s blog post, and although I don’t follow her, she had a lot of great information on this post. And she so well named Spirit that I wanted to share it with you here. The astrologer is Linda Masterson, and she wrote, “Spirit, to demystify it, is simply a very subtle level of energy, a level of energy that requires a sensitivity of the heart to feel. Many are not able to feel it; although anyone can cultivate being able to feel it. For ones that have this level of awareness, nothing could be more real.”

I have often shared with you that New Earth is about the feeling state, and the way we will live our lives is through the heart. We will move from thinking with our minds to thinking with our hearts. We can choose to continue to clear our bodies of the emotional density in order to feel clearly at this level from our hearts. That is why doing the work in order to get clearer and lighter is what you are always being called to do. And then, when you remove the density from your body, you can then anchor in more light, feel more from your heart, and live from here.

I also have often said that this is very subtle. Intuition and your inner knowing doesn’t scream at you. It speaks softly and gently. It’s a gentle touch, a knowing, and by learning to listen to this inner wisdom allows you to move forward on your life journey with the right next steps. But if you are locked in fear in your mind, or stuck in the loop of anxiety, it is quite difficult to know what is your mind and what is your heart.

I always love getting together with my dear friend, and yesterday we had a socially distant chat outside wrapped in blankets. I was sharing with her how the more I embody, the more I see of my life. I now see my whole lifetime. If you could see your whole life, would you want to? Would you want to know what’s going to happen? I’ve had some moments the past few days of sadness grieving my life, but it’s not because I didn’t do what I was put on Earth here to do. I fulfill all my heart’s desires and my purpose. But we are finite beings, and knowing this is my last time on the Earth, there was some sadness. And now that I have grieved this and felt the feelings all the way through my heart, I am now clear of this. Always a choice, always a practice to choose to move through what is coming through us and wanting to be lifted into the Light.

One of my pod sisters who has done years’ of study with shamans also told me that if there was anything I saw that I wanted to change in my life, I can do that as well. I had intuitively known that as there were some small tweaks I wanted to change in my storyline and was playing with that. Do you understand that you also have this power and capability, that you are so much more powerful than you probably even realize? But the power lies in your heart. The power lies in your ability to be divinely neutral and see that Love in the endgame. The power of being able to go into your body and clear yourself of the fear and the judgement and the shame, to listen to Spirit, trust what you hear, and then act on that allows you to co-create with life in miraculous and infinite ways.

So as the Light continues to amplify us all, take some time to just be quiet and listen to your heart. Feel the power of your true North – Spirit – in all its miraculous ways through your heart center. There is nothing but Love here. Upon seeing my lifetime, and all that will unfold, the one clear revelation I received that just made me sob was “Live every day. Live every moment.” Our time here is short, and although I mentally knew that, feeling this in the depth of my soul allowed me to understand this even more.

Love never dies, and the heart is your compass to all of you. Feel from here, love from here, and know that this is the only thing that is truly real.

Much love, many blessings. xo

Dianna Hanken