Hindsight is 2020


My Goddess how good it feels to get outside again! It’s been a difficult number of days here in Portland and our beloved state as we are experiencing horrendous fires and smoke. Today the air quality is not back down to normal but was good enough for me to get outside again and run. My heart and legs were working hard and a little confused by what was happening, but they quickly remembered and got into the groove soon enough. When it started to rain, I turned my face up to the sky and let the water wash it all away and was grateful.

This year is going to look very different come January, and that is why you might be hearing the phrase hindsight is 2020. Much of the new reality will make more sense, and so it is imperative to keep remembering to manage your energy in divine neutrality. Be the calm eye in the storm, and do not give your power away to outside entities. Neutrality is what moves humanity forward. I know I have said this before, but apparently it bears repeating because this is what is coming through.

September 9th started a 2 month Mars in Aries retrograde that can seem to wreak havoc, and it was predicted that another round of lockdowns was going to occur. It wouldn’t necessarily be another round of Covid lockdowns, and because Portland seems to have that piece relatively under control, I was curious to see how a lockdown would happen in my world. The answer came in the way of smoke and fires. This lockdown was more difficult for me because we literally couldn’t go outside, and for someone who gets outside every day, it was tough. I was grateful to be safe, and yet I am still having a human experience, and being locked in was challenging. Interestingly, the morning before the smoke came through, I went for my hour walk and saw all the animal favorites – my blue jay, butterflies, squirrels, dragonfly, hummingbirds – and then a special surprise – a falcon!! It was as though Gaia was telling me – be prepared and enjoy this moment for a while.

The lower expression of this retrograde will show up as anger, aggression, and the need to be right. It is a war-like energy and can make people quite inflamed depending on where you are on your journey. So another opportunity is being presented to work through these layers of emotions as the energy keeps rising. As more surprises keep showing up, how you manage your power in the face of all of it is a good marker for what needs to reviewed, witnessed, cleared and up-leveled. October is going to bring many more surprises – all during this retrograde – and it is all a practice and a choice. And know the payoff is more than worth it. The freedom that lies on the other side in the form of this neutrality is exquisite.

This retrograde is also making you work for what you want. My special project keeps getting delayed, but it will happen. In the meantime, there was a phenomenal New Moon in Virgo yesterday that is making my head spin with glorious new energies. Embodiment is tiring but so dang fun, too. Becoming multidimensional and being able to integrate all these different layers is truly a miraculous experience. So keep taking your steps, bit by bit, and know you are moving towards a Light beyond measure. (not a play on words – it literally cannot be recorded it is so powerful…)

This year has also brought to me a deeper appreciation and respect for Portland and Oregon. I had been considering leaving after my boys were done with school, but this year has shown me what an incredible place this is to live. The irony is it seems to be in such chaos with the riots and the fires, but we do one hundred things more in alignment with my values than not. And again, what appears to be chaos is not always what it seems. Energies are clearing out, and our beautiful City is able to handle the rising tide with much more grace and ease overall than it may seem. I am grateful I am here to be a part and witness this transformation. And we'll always take those extra prayers and blessings as well.

So Beloved Lights, we will keep showing the way, anchoring in the shift, embracing our power, and expanding our heart torus fields for the betterment of all.

Stay safe, much love to you always. xo

Dianna Hanken