Fall, the Great Awakening and Full Moons
And just like that, it is Fall. The leaves began to change a couple of weeks ago and the shifting of the seasons is here. And October is going to bring even more shifting, so hang on for the ride.
The Great Awakening is here, and life will never go back to how it was before this year. Everything is changing and being revealed to us so that we can continue to make choices in where we want to go as a collective, for all of humanity. You can no longer stay asleep, exist in your own small sphere and pretend it’s all okay. And it’s important to remember that we – as a collective and as One humanity – have asked to be shown the dysfunction so that we can wake up to why we are truly here. It has and always has been about your soul growth and journey. Always. And we are finally able to start to see how the lower realities are no longer serving us so that we can continue to make choices into where we want to go – as One.
October will begin with a Full Moon and end with a Full Moon, and there will be a massive amount of energies shifting in between. It is also Libra season which is about balance, and now more than ever you can take back your power, put it on the heart scale and decide what is right for you and what is not. What gives you power and what takes it away? What activities in your life serve to empower you and what drains them? How does it feel in your body and heart when you perform a certain task? If you pay attention, you will get instant feedback. Everything is here to help you choose your higher path, to get back into alignment with your soul, and to start to choose what will serve you and ultimately the higher will of One.
Speaking of no longer being asleep, I am writing this out to you before 5 am as Spirit woke me early to get this written. If this path was “easy,” we all would have done it by now. But you are specifically here on the planet in this space and time in this lifetime in this reality because you chose to be. Because your soul wanted to experience this, to be able to contribute to ascension, to come and offer your unique gifts that only you can bring. I understand it can feel like your world is falling apart, but if you allow it, it is falling together into something much more magnificent beyond your expectations. You can no longer stay asleep, and it is time to wake up.
So just like the changing of the seasons, we are being asked to change our hearts and minds to one that is of divine Love, where the Light can shine through each of us and raise us all into freedom from self, from ego, and from the limitations that we have put on ourselves and each other. So much clearing of the dark continues, and there is much more work to be done. Remember this is a years' long process, and each and every step we get to choose how we respond and uplift and shift. Chaos is opportunity, so choose wisely, feel into your heart what makes sense, move with courage, and know you can orient into balance right here and now. After all, that is what Libra season is all about.
Much love, many blessings. xo