“The Universe is life-positive"
Happy New Year sweet tribe! I am sensing into this deepening of consciousness and what an incredible expansion this can be for each of us as we continue to travel down the road of the soul journey. It can be such an opportunity to bring forth all you are desiring and wanting to express and create, and you have to be willing to step across the bridge into that destiny. If it was always easy, everyone would be doing it.
I have been coaching many sisters recently and am gaining greater appreciation for the path and how we can sometimes get sidelined by our old patterns and limiting beliefs. It can be difficult to try and step into a new reality when we feel tethered by the grips of an old story or feeling or cannot summon the courage. We can then go into judgement and self-doubt that we cannot really bring forth all that is wanting to come through. It is helpful to sometimes take a step back and take the 30,000 foot view. Create some distance between yourself and the emotions. Remember that you are not your feelings, and it is good to get a different perspective on what you feel is limiting you. This can bring in a new awareness for you – which is 80% of the work right there – and in this expansive space, your reality can then also begin to shift. Finding the strength or confidence to take that next step will find its way to you, and when it does, you then have to take it. This is the key to manifesting your destiny – allowing yourself to move and taking the action steps into what is showing up for you.
The Universe is life-positive, and when you set an intention, or even if you do not consciously do so, this life force is continually trying to bring you what you were called here to do and what you want to co-create with life. In bringing awareness to what is showing up for you, it may not look like the path you were initially desiring. The road of transformation is not a straight line, and so you may take what feels like a step to the side or the back before you take two steps forward. You have to remember to surrender into what the Universe is bringing forth. You may want the relationship, and the career may show up first to allow the space for the relationship to come forward. But if you are moving against the tide and trying to use your will to only get the relationship, you stop the flow of how the divine plan wants to take place. Everyone gets frustrated and confused, and the angels who have your back keep questioning why you don’t move with flow.
So how can you surrender more into life? How can you invite more of what Spirit wants for you instead of relying on your ego and will? This is what we call in Feminine Power a “living question.” There is not one answer that fits all. What works for some will not work for others. And yet, there are some principles that I have found that work well. A huge key of unlocking and releasing a barrier is to turn towards it. Do not turn away from what is wanting your attention. A feeling or emotion is arising because it needs your love to transform and transmute into the Light. The more you can turn towards, the more it will dissolve and integrate into wholeness within yourself. I just had this happen to me last night. I had a situation arise that triggered something within me that was so deep and painful. What a perfect opportunity to sit with it, feel it, love it, and have it move through. I don’t need to figure out where it came from or why it’s there. I just need to give it my loving attention. Otherwise, this emotion takes over and takes control. I would be spending my time and energy trying to work around it, making excuses for my behaviors to others that is not in highest alignment, and not being the best version of myself because I am trying to circumvent this uncomfortable feeling. Instead, I sat with it last night and mostly this morning (I was up at 3 am…), and it has mostly shifted. Now I am empowered to write, to create, to do what I am here to do instead of staying in the spin of my head. This is exactly what the divine wants for you as well.
So the invitation as always is to love whatever is arising, have compassion for yourself and your process, reach out for support when you need it, and know you are God-seed in human form here to help heal and transform this World. I for one am grateful for you and your light.
Last Sunset of 2018
This photo is of the last sunset of the year taken a few days ago. Let’s allow the new Sun to rise within, take us into the new reality, and shine like never before. Standing always with you for your highest and best. Deepest love, tremendous blessings. xo