Set Intentions With Care
Blessings to you all beautiful tribe of inspiring, radiant beings!! As my last post of this year, I am reflecting in the dark and quiet of the evening tonight. Usually I write to you in the early mornings, and this weekend I have more energy to spare since my children are away and so is the dog. Beloved and me time, just me time, and some fantastic self-care such as a foot massage this afternoon. I am hopeful you are taking some time to fill you up in some way whether it is 10 minutes alone in silence, walking outside enjoying the winter landscape, having a cup of tea, or connecting with a good friend. And I am also hopeful that with each act of self-care you RECEIVE the blessings.
As we all continue to deepen into the Love for ourselves, we honor our souls by receiving the beauty and bounty – in whatever form that is for you – that Spirit so wishes us to do. In this exquisite energy exchange of giving and receiving, we can only give to others what we allow ourselves to receive. So in our practice of self-care we allow the blessings to flow in and out, and in this way we can continue to be a more brilliant light for ourselves and others.
Although I am no longer religious and subscribe to a certain church, I went to a Catholic Grotto last night with my Love and heard a choir sing in the church. There were hundreds of lights throughout the grounds, and I was particularly drawn to the flames of candles lit outside in the trees. I was reminded how we all play a part in this awakening into the Love, and each shining soul helps light the way. Each light, no matter the color or whether you blink or stay steady, whether you are Light in a multitude on a string or stand alone, each and every being who is willing to step forward and be the brilliance they were destined to be raises us all. And with Jesus being the most perfect form of Earthly Love as our example, I am setting an intention to walk more in His path this next year. I intend to allow my courage to rise even further, my voice to be strong and loving, my resolve to anchor in as much Love as I humanly can to be my call to action. No matter if we feel ready or not – we do what we are born here to do. That is to shift this planet into a new consciousness, and we do that by continuing to take a step forward no matter the pain, the fear, the struggle or the trepidation. Your time is now beautiful, empathic hearts!!
I do not remember if I have shared this Lao Tzu quote before, yet it seems fitting for tonight. I send you tremendous heart Love as we leave this year in the Earth and turn towards the arising of the New. Set your intentions with care, go bigger than you dare, know you are infinite and divine in human form, and that standing together, we expand, evolve, transform, and reach the heights we were here to create.
“Look, and it can’t be seen.Listen, and it can’t be heard.Reach, and it can’t be grasped.
Above, it isn’t bright.Below, it isn’t dark.Seamless, unnamable,it returns to the realm of nothing.Form that includes all forms,image without an image,subtle, beyond all conception.
Approach it and there is no beginning;follow it and there is no end.You can’t know it, but you can be it,at ease in your own life.Just realise where you come from:this is the essence of wisdom.”
Much love tribe, many blessings. We are Love. xo